X-Slender App Reviews

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Plz fix

Great app but It wont run on my iPod it keeps crashing


I noticed if you tap the eyeball two times you jump. Is that whats supposed to happen? Anyway its a great game and I also love the other ones!

Thank you for making this app free.

First of all ^ ^ ^, and second this game is really great and if youre a Slender fan than this app is perfect. I have some suggestions, not complaints about the game. 1. Change Slendermans style, he just floats/walks toward you faster than you go and you lose, so make him teleport and pop out and stuff like that. 2. Make a way to earn buy-ables in the game. And 3. I can walk through the trees, please fix that.

Terrible controls

To each his own I guess. I thot this was a stupid game. Not scary. Annoying noises. The controls are difficult and just not good. Uninstalling.

crashes to much

I cant play it because it crashes to much when I play it getsto the title screen I put classic mode it doesnt mode crashes put it on story mode crashes please fix it and dont optimize it for iPod 4g iPhone etxetera

Great but...

The games great but I have a couple suggestions. 1. I keep dying! Whenever I turn and move for 5 seconds slendy gets me! You need to let him appear less often. 2. Have an options menu! In my opinion you turn to quick. You need to add a sensitivity modifier. 3. Make it to where you can change to where you want all the buttons to be! I keep turning and hitting a button and then dying! I hope you fix this but overall great game! I never mentioned this but its soooooooo scary! o_O

Awesome needs a few changes

I love this game but I d like it if you could change the slender scare to be like the computer version ( you know all hd and zoomed in on slender mans face) and get rid of the cheesy girl screaming change it to a more scarier pipe organ like noise


Lame not scary and u die right away before u can even turn around because slender goes way to fast when u start the game


Do not get! Freaking worthless. It doesnt even start up

Almost like computer version

Im doin the same thing every time Im being a wuss that game is scary as the devil dang

Good but...

You should fix the sprinting thing,I cant sprint for some reason :/

Good game but

When I left where I spawned I looked near the trees I died either it was behind me or it was invisible please tell me


Im sorry, but the joystick is way toooo jumpy, and the controls are very difficult. It wont even let me pick up the notes. Im uninstalling, this game isnt worth my memory space.


Haha ok I was scared to look back so I looked down the whole time I got the 1st pg from looking down the I run into slendy omg the only thing tht scared me was the girls scream


The game is amazing, but it needs more trees, and I was just playing it and as soon as I spawned slender man killed me. Otherwise the games great.

So scary

When I started I collected 3 pages then I heard a scream then I turned back and he got me

Awesome game

Finally a slender man game for free thats awesome


Slendy will make you LOL when u c him!! NOT SCARY!! I only like this game because it reminds u of the old game by the backroumd layout!! MAKE SLENDY SUPPER SCARYER THEN THIS WILL BE AN AMAYZAYN GAME!!!GO PEWDIEOIE!!

scary as hell

i almost craped my pants playing this i can only get 2 pages befor slendy pops up and scares the s?!@ out of me! best game ever!!!

Scary as....

Scary can get. Ahhhhh

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